
Karl-Johan Spiik

AI ambassador goes into Microsoft Power Platform

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How to add AI to your Power Apps and control where your data goes

I recently created a mobile app for Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. The app allows users to save notes to their CRM system. Before saving, the app uses the Create text with GPT model to rewrite the text and extract tasks… Continue Reading →

Does AI help you in low-code development?

AI is transforming the way we develop software and solutions. Microsoft Power Platform is leading a new era of AI-generated low-code app development with its Copilot feature in Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents. Copilot is a live… Continue Reading →

Why I chose not to split my data into many tables for Power Apps project

Normalizing database is a process of organizing data into tables and columns to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. It is a common practice for relational databases such as SQL, where data is stored in rows and columns. Normalizing database… Continue Reading →

Power Automate workflow evolution is fast

I created very simple Power Automate flow for AI Translator custom model that takes file from SharePoint to Azure blob, then translates the document and puts the document back to SharePoint. After couple days usage and testing, the flow got… Continue Reading →

Self-Service AI Translator in Teams / SharePoint

In my previous post I described how to train Azure AI Translator Custom Model. I tested with ready made app but now I want to create self-help portal for Sitra personnel to test the translator. I decided to have a… Continue Reading →

Translation agency or AI translator

There are multiple automatic translation services among our daily tools. The longer the translated text is the more need for human finalization there is. Or is there? Microsoft Azure has AI Translator service, which needs at least 10 000 translated… Continue Reading →

Call OpenAI REST API with Custom Index and Prompt with Power Automate

Once you have indexed your document in Azure Search, you can use it as source for your ChatGPT prompt. Call is quite similar but instead of giving the data in REST API call, you give the index. Below is the… Continue Reading →

Create Azure Search Index, Indexer, run the Indexer and check Success status with Power Automate

If you want to use a PDF document as source for ChatGPT prompt, you need to add it to search and index it first. For that you need to have the document in Azure BLOB and the URL for the… Continue Reading →

Use Azure Search Index with OpenAI Prompt in Power Automate

Previous post displayed the basic way of calling ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI. For more complex scenarios we want to add PDF document, index it and use the indexed document in the ChatGPT prompts instead of giving the source data in… Continue Reading →

Call ChatGPT and OpenAI from Power Automate

I’m in a project working with KEHA center for environmental impact assesment. The solution offers the authorities Power Platform user interface where they can use AI as part of the processing and analysis of the statements and opinions given in… Continue Reading →

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