I tried to compare two PDF files with Copilot for Word but it did not figure out. I was able to twist and flip even though the PDFs were in my OneDrive, so they didn’t pop up in Word Copilot. The matter was discussed with colleagues and something is still unfinished. Either it doesn’t understand Finnish or some of the files can’t be found. However, I came up with the idea of using Copilot Chat in the Edge browser. By taking turns opening the PDF and asking Copilot, I finally got it to remember both and compare them.
First PDF was thesis work about strategic communication in the management of a network of experts tool in Finnish and second one was my 4th book I published recently in Finnish. I’m still thinking should I translate it into English or maybe I use AI Translator for that.
I got some kind of comparing to jut get the idea what is the difference, but it mixed up metadata and told that thesis language was English and it was also published this year so after those facts went wrong, I was bit skeptical for the rest. But good exercise once again.
Of course! I would be happy to compare the opened PDF file named “Network management” and the previously opened PDF file named “Thesis” in more detail:
Copilot Chat
The book “Network Management” deals extensively with network management and related topics. However, in comparison with the “Thesis”, the following subject areas are missing from “Network Management”:
- Strategic communication: “Network management” does not necessarily deal in detail with strategic communication in the management of networks. The “thesis”, on the other hand, focuses on this very topic and examines the role of strategic communication in managing a network of experts.
- Network member engagement: “Network management” may deal with network building and operation in general, but may not focus on promoting member engagement. The “thesis” examines how strategic communication can affect member engagement and collaboration.
- Communication practices and channels: “Network management” may not provide concrete guidance for the choice of communication practices and channels. The “thesis” could contain more detailed information on how communication is carried out in practice.
- Visual identity of the network: “Network management” does not necessarily address the importance of visual identity in network communication. It has been mentioned in the “thesis” that the strategic messages were also updated in the network’s digital and print communication materials.
These are just a few examples, and a closer comparison could reveal other differences. Hopefully, this will help you understand what topics are missing from “Network Management” compared to “Thesis”! 📚🔍
Second try gave me
Of course! I would be happy to compare the opened PDF file named “Network management” and the previously opened PDF file named “Thesis” in more detail:
Copilot chat
“Network management“:
o Topic: This book deals with network management in many ways. It examines community drive, shared leadership, network building, learning, innovation and problem-solving.
o Author: Written by Karl-Johan Spiik and published in 2024.
o Target group: The book is aimed at professionals, researchers and students interested in network management.
o Content: The book provides in-depth knowledge of network dynamics, communication, decision-making and cooperation. It also includes practical examples and case studies.
o Source: Read more.
o Topic: This thesis focuses on the renewal of strategic communication in the Boardman knowledge network. It explores the role of strategic communication in managing a network of experts.
o Author: The thesis was written by an individual student.
o Target group: The thesis is aimed at network management students, organizational communication professionals and network members.
o Contents: The thesis examines the strategic communication materials of the Boardman competence network and their renewal. In addition, it studies the importance of strategic communication in network management.
o Source: The thesis is not publicly available, but its content is based on the student’s own observations and research.
In summary: “Network Management” offers a broader perspective on network management, while “Thesis” focuses more specifically on the renewal of strategic communication in the Boardman Knowledge Network. Both are valuable information about managing networks from different perspectives.